Dope Music Mixes

December 31, 2019


What this?

At the end of every year, people come together in the name of dope mixtapes. They spend hours, days, and weeks meticulously crafting the perfect playlists to exchange with each other.

1 "Rule" for listening

When you first listen to someone else's playlist, DON'T READ THE TRACK LIST.
Let yourself experience the mixtape like it was an actual tape or CD handed to you with only a fun title written in permanent marker on top.

3 "Rules" for mixing

  1. Create a mix (playlist) that's "album length", meaning it's about an hour long.
  2. No repeating artists. (There are a small few exceptions.)
  3. Title your mix something unique and memorable.

(Bonus points if you try to make your songs flow nicely between each other by listening closely to the track transitions.)

What do I put in my mix?

Think of songs that were significant to your year. Use inspirations from artists you discovered, saw in concert, or just obsessed over throughout the year. (Spotify makes a playlist for you at the end of the year called "Your Top Songs 20XX" that has your 100 most listened to songs. That's a great place to start.)

When does this happen?

At the end of the year! The big exchange typically happens around the 27th – 30th of December.

Where does this happen?

Friends who are into traditional CDs tend to exchange those during their Christmas or New Year's Eve parties. But for the big exchange of Spotify (and YouTube) playlists, you'll want to head on over to the #music channel in the Friends Worldwide Slack space. (If you aren't already in this Slack group, just ask me to join and I'll get you in there.)

David's Dope Music Mixes

2023: to walk/drive/fly to

2022: Bingo Bango Bongo

2021: But Don't Tell My Wife

2020: Boom Bop

2019: Oh wowowow

2018: The Year of the Funk

2017: Jammy Tunes

2016: Scintillating Sounds